Well, I've not blogged in a little while, so this evening, I'm going to treat myself with a little self-indulgence. And, of course, that means that the blogspot servers will have a load more pseudo-philosophical ramblings to deal with.
I've been thinking about possibilities - not particular things that are possible, but more generally the concept.
So, first, I think I should try and define a possibility. I think a possibility is something that might happen. I think that it's different from a goal. Goals can be accomplished - they're tasks which you can achieve with enough directed effort.
Possibilities are things that you do, or don't want to have happen - but I think the key is that they involve other people in intangible ways.
Getting signed to a record label is a goal. If you want to get signed to a record label, starting from scratch, there is a set path that you can walk - it involves developing an adequately mature musical perspective, an understanding of what the record label is in business to do, and developing the skills to produce material which the label will distribute. Really, unless you go out of your way to upset someone (which is always a... possibility), you can get things sorted.
Possibilities are more infirm.
Possibilities involve other people in ways that you cannot predict.
Neuro-linguistic programmers (Derren Brown, anyone?) will tell you that you can control people in the same way that you can control anything else. Well, perhaps you can, but that's not a viewpoint I subscribe to. Even if it is possible, for any practical situation, that degree of cold heartless manipulation of a person is just not feasible. [Perhaps I'm letting slip here that I find the whole concept a little distasteful.]
Possibilities are hopes and dreams. If they were definitely attainable, they would be goals.
That promotion is most likely a possibility rather than a goal - unless you can build a scenario whereby it has to happen, or force a hand, you're not in charge.
And there's the point. Possibilities relate to eventualities where you are not in charge; you might be half in charge, but you don't hold the deciding vote. And as long as you cannot cast the deciding vote, it remains a possibility.
Possibilities... do they offer more potential for happiness than goals?
Goals lead to self-satisfaction - the knowledge that you have accomplished something, irrespective of how much outside help is involved.
Possibilities lead to externally derived happiness. The knowledge that someone else wants to validate your existence, you as a person.
Goals offer less potential heartbreak than possibilities. If you don't succeed in your goal, it's because you uncover some level of complexity that leads you to realise that it's not a goal; just a possibility. Or, it's because you've given up.
Possibilities offer the potential to blow up on you without your involvement.
Staying signed to that record label is a possibility. Once you've got involved with the people, it all changes.
I work for my goals. I'm realistic about how much effort I need to put in, and if I'm serious about wanting something, I put the time in to get it.
However, there's a possibility in my life right now, which prompts me to write.
It has the potential to offer me an incomparable level of happiness; far more than any goal I can strive for - because, of course, it originates externally.
But, it's just a possibility. Hopefully this writing won't influence the balance one way or the other. But there is no set path I can follow to predetermine the outcome. I am aware of this fact.
And I am more than a little scared. Most of my time, I work to pursue goals. I know what my returns will be, and it gives me great satisfaction to achieve things. There is little risk in my day-to-day drive forwards.
Perhaps I'm unfamiliar with risk - perhaps everyone is?
But I'm scared, and I think I've justified why.
Well, I've not blogged in a little while, so this evening, I'm going to treat myself with a little self-indulgence. And, of course, that means that the blogspot servers will have a load more pseudo-philosophical ramblings to deal with.
I've been thinking about possibilities - not particular things that are possible, but more generally the concept.
So, first, I think I should try and define a possibility. I think a possibility is something that might happen. I think that it's different from a goal. Goals can be accomplished - they're tasks which you can achieve with enough directed effort.
Possibilities are things that you do, or don't want to have happen - but I think the key is that they involve other people in intangible ways.
Getting signed to a record label is a goal. If you want to get signed to a record label, starting from scratch, there is a set path that you can walk - it involves developing an adequately mature musical perspective, an understanding of what the record label is in business to do, and developing the skills to produce material which the label will distribute. Really, unless you go out of your way to upset someone (which is always a... possibility), you can get things sorted.
Possibilities are more infirm.
Possibilities involve other people in ways that you cannot predict.
Neuro-linguistic programmers (Derren Brown, anyone?) will tell you that you can control people in the same way that you can control anything else. Well, perhaps you can, but that's not a viewpoint I subscribe to. Even if it is possible, for any practical situation, that degree of cold heartless manipulation of a person is just not feasible. [Perhaps I'm letting slip here that I find the whole concept a little distasteful.]
Possibilities are hopes and dreams. If they were definitely attainable, they would be goals.
That promotion is most likely a possibility rather than a goal - unless you can build a scenario whereby it has to happen, or force a hand, you're not in charge.
And there's the point. Possibilities relate to eventualities where you are not in charge; you might be half in charge, but you don't hold the deciding vote. And as long as you cannot cast the deciding vote, it remains a possibility.
Possibilities... do they offer more potential for happiness than goals?
Goals lead to self-satisfaction - the knowledge that you have accomplished something, irrespective of how much outside help is involved.
Possibilities lead to externally derived happiness. The knowledge that someone else wants to validate your existence, you as a person.
Goals offer less potential heartbreak than possibilities. If you don't succeed in your goal, it's because you uncover some level of complexity that leads you to realise that it's not a goal; just a possibility. Or, it's because you've given up.
Possibilities offer the potential to blow up on you without your involvement.
Staying signed to that record label is a possibility. Once you've got involved with the people, it all changes.
I work for my goals. I'm realistic about how much effort I need to put in, and if I'm serious about wanting something, I put the time in to get it.
However, there's a possibility in my life right now, which prompts me to write.
It has the potential to offer me an incomparable level of happiness; far more than any goal I can strive for - because, of course, it originates externally.
But, it's just a possibility. Hopefully this writing won't influence the balance one way or the other. But there is no set path I can follow to predetermine the outcome. I am aware of this fact.
And I am more than a little scared. Most of my time, I work to pursue goals. I know what my returns will be, and it gives me great satisfaction to achieve things. There is little risk in my day-to-day drive forwards.
Perhaps I'm unfamiliar with risk - perhaps everyone is?
But I'm scared, and I think I've justified why.
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